Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Gather requirements : Functional testing questionnaire

This is a set of questions/questionnaire for one of my friend's client to gather their requirements for functional test automation. Thought I would share with you.

Functional Test Automation – Requirements gathering

Questionnaire for client

1) What is the frequency of change of business rules of the Application (number of change requests/week)?

2) What is the frequency of change of UI of the Application (number of change requests/week)?

3) Do you have a manual regression test suite? If Yes

a) What percentage of application functionality does it cover?
b) How many test cases are their?
c)How well described are the cases? Can a computer literate person having no knowledge of your application execute these cases?
d) How long does it take to run 1 full cycle in terms of man days(8 hrs a day)?
e) Where are the test cases stored?
f) Can you share a test plan with us?

4)How do you set the test environment? What are the requirements in terms of Hardware and Software? Will you let us host the application in our company premises?

5What is your requirement/expectation from Functional Testing Automation? What percentage of the regression suite do you expect to get automated?

6) What is lacking in the present manual testing process you wish to complement/improve through functional testing automation?

7) What protocol is used to access the application? Example http,https.

8) Can we access the Application directly over the web or Access is available only through VPN?


Software Development Company said...

Hello Mahesh,
'The Article on Functional Test Automation – Requirements gathering Questionnaire for client are informative.. It gives detailed information about it. Thanks for Sharing the information about the Functional testing and the important Questions for Client, For More information check the detail on Functional testing check, Software Testing Services

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